The News Gazette of East Central Illinois Reported on 8/22/13:
"Despite the increase in total employment, Illinois' unemployment rate remained unchanged at an unacceptably high 9.2 percent rate.
That's why it remains vitally important for Gov. Pat Quinn and state legislators to resolve to change the state's reputation as a hostile place to do business. The litigation environment, workers' compensation costs, expensive and cumbersome regulations and taxes must be recast in a way that encourages job-creators to move to Illinois and those businesses already here to expand.
That would require stepping on a lot of powerful groups that make generous campaign donations. But until the state acts affirmatively to change its business climate, Illinois will be stuck running in place and fall further behind other states that zealously court business development."
Well Put!
As District 86's House Representative, Larry Walsh Jr., has not introduced any legislation that addresses any of these issues facing Illinois. He had no business experience before he was appointed as House Representative (in Early 2012) and has no idea on how the Illinois Economy works. He applauds the high taxation placed on Illinois citizen's by his mentor and predecessor, Jack McGuire, and wants the current taxation levels to remain permanent. You deserve better than Larry Walsh Jr. in 2014 and 2016.
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