Thursday, April 25, 2013

Unemployment Still Way Too High For Joliet Will County Illinois


As you can see from U.S. Department of Labor Statistics (last updated 12/22/12), Joliet and Illinois is still experiencing record high unemployment.  The unemployment rate in November 2012 was 8.7% for Illinois and 10.1% for Joliet.  These numbers are still historically high - higher than over the past decade.

The Joliet Patch Newsite Reported in November 2012: "In Joliet, unemployment was logged at 9.5 percent in September and 9.9 percent in October, an increase of .4 percent."  So unemployment continued to grow through November 2012  and remained high through December 2012 (as seen above and below)!

CHICAGO NBC (WREX) 1/17/13 - The unemployment rate for Illinois remained unchanged in December, at 8.7 percent, according to seasonally adjusted data from the Illinois Department of Employment Security and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  • As reported on January 3, 2013: Illinois Department of Employment Security spokesman Greg Rivara states that federal extension of unemployment benefits have been approved but "the number of [unemployment] claims is still 38 percent higher than 2008 levels," Rivara said.

  • As reported on March 28, 2013: The Department of Employment Security said that February statewide unemployment rose to 9.5 percent, and that, unemployment increased in 10 of the state's 12 metro areas. The Chicago-Joliet-Naperville unemployment rate rose from 8.6 to 9.3 percent.
We must have city and township government listen to the needs of businesses and grant incentives for aspiring entrepreneurs and small-to-large sized companies
, to bolster our local economy and create JOBSWe must ensure that we create reasonable business taxes, to attract businesses - not scare them away (also see related).  And lastly, we must host more business expos and job fairs to "connect" the community with businesses and job creators.